KX96 - New Country FM
For more information on radio advertising, you may download our media kit, contact us or call us by phone at 905.571.0949
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Here’s what some KX96 Advertisers are saying...
It took a while for clients to say “We heard you on the radio.” Now it’s a daily occurrence. “We’ve heard you on the radio so long. We have breakfast with you every day.” And when the need arises, that’s when the client comes in, because they know in the back of their mind, “This is what I need to do.”
--- Joe Sanders, Jewellery By Sanders
We’ve been advertising on KX 96 for about 20 years. It’s been a very effective part of our marketing and advertising strategy. It’s very economical.
--- Ron Hooper, Hooper’s Jewellers
And every time the market gets a little bit slow – every single time you think you wanna make some cuts – you gotta control expenses because at the end of the day it’s a business – we do the opposite. We want to ramp up when it comes to radio advertising, because it does reach so many people.
--- Rob Fodor, Clarington Hyundai
The reach of KX 96 is quite expansive. The country music audience is quite diverse, so it hits all the demographics, all ages, and it works really well. I think the continuity of having regular advertising on KX 96 helps us to build our brand across the region.
--- Jeffrey & Phillip, Reed’s Florist
I’m amazed at how many people come up to me during the week that have heard my commercial on the radio. It’s incredible. I was a bit of a skeptic when I started or considered radio advertising. I’m not anymore!
--- Dan Plowman, The Dan Plowman Team